Sound / Word
A 10-day residency for sound theorists & practitioners
Old Jesuit Monastery
Ano Syros, Cyclades Greece
22-31 July 2016
Call for applications
Syros Sound Meetings, a self-funded initiative now in its fifth year, invites theorists, practitioners and researchers of all levels & backgrounds with a documented interest in sound & music, for a joint 10-day residency in the island of Syros, Greece.
Staying at the converted guesthouse of a 17th-century Jesuit Monastery on the historic Ano Syros hillside, resident participants will have time to work individually and together, listening, writing, recording and creatively engaging on site-specific or site-inspired projects. Upon completion, the residency is expected to lead to one or more individual and collaborative publications and/or releases, whose form, contents and mode(s) of dissemination will be discussed and determined during the ten-day period itself.
Applications are especially encouraged from student, graduate and professional artists and researchers working with sound and/or texts across different media, and interested in the possible intersections between theory, ethnography, and practice-based research.
Possible areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Sound ethnographies & aural histories
- Poetics of listening
- Educational discourses on sound
- Text scores & sound poetry
- Representation, multimodality & mediation in sonic arts & sound studies
- Embodiment, materiality and metaphysics of sound
- Site-specificity in experimental music and sonic arts
Application & Participation
How to apply:
Please fill in application form at and send a brief cv and any samples of recent / relevant theoretical and/or practical work to Αs there are only a few rooms available at the Old Jesuit Monastery, the final choice will depend on the total number of applications received, as well as the degree of affinity between individual participants' interests & proposed subject areas.
Participation fee (covers 9 nights accommodation in shared 2-bed en suite room):
Normal Rate: 200 euros p/p
Reduced Rate (Non-funded student / unemployed): 150 euros p/p
Deadline for Application: 12 June 2016
Notification of Acceptance: before 19 June 2016